I am a computational molecular biophysicist passionate about evolution of complexity and decentralized forms of governance.
I am an currently an International Fellow with the Jensen Lab at Caltech and the Laboratory for Research of Complex Systems.
Previously, I was a postdoctoral scholar in the Jensen Lab where I led the bioinformatics studies in macromolecular machineries and chemotaxis. I also spent some time as a visiting postdoc at the Leiden University in the Briegel Lab where I studied in the evolution of chemotaxis networks and scientific data sharing using blockchain technology.
I designed and managed the development of the Electron Tomography Database - Caltech and I am one of the developers of the MiST3 database.
I received my PhD in Physics with Igor Zhulin at Oak Ridge National Lab and University of Tennessee. In a distant past, I worked with Atomic Optical Clocks at the Time and Frequency Division at NIST supervised by Chris Oates and Flavio Caldas da Cruz.
I am a co-founder of the Art+Science collective Schema47 in Los Angeles and I am a member of the core team of the cryptocurrency FLO. I collaborate with the Brazilian Pirate Party
Projects without links are coming soon but can be found in my github